We are deeply grateful to the Utah Division of Arts & Museums and juror, Richard Roth, Professor of Painting and Printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University, for selecting Chris as one of the recipients of the 2013 Utah Visual Arts Fellowship. This fellowship will give Evidence and Artifacts wings, extending the depth and breadth of the project beyond our wildest hopes. We know it will open many doors of opportunity, and it will certainly help to heat up the conversation about environmental impact on human health and development in Utah. We will continue to make and exhibit work that humanizes the explosively growing prevalence statistics of ASD, ADHD, asthma, allergies and other developmental disabilities. We will continue to emphatically ask the question, “Why is this happening and what should we do about it?” We want the Utah autism community to know that we promise to be good stewards of this funding; that we will use it to advocate for desperately needed intervention and treatment for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder, and to honor the everyday heroes who have participated in this project. All of you are amazing and represent the tiny ripples of hope that we so often talk about. This fellowship extends the reach of those ripples, past Utah’s borders and into the broader autism and disability community globally. Thank you.